We give our students opportunities to perform and build self-confidence.

Forevermore Dance & Theatre Arts provides Dance Classes, Acting & Music Lessons, as well as Performance Opportunities for All Ages. We are located in the NorthWest side of Chicago, IL. If you have any questions or would like to discuss which classes are right for your family don’t hesitate to call or email. We would love to chat and schedule a time for you to see our school and try some of our dance, theatre, or music classes.

Ms. Kerrie

Founder/ Director

Ms. Caroline

Studio Manager

Ensemble Manager
Dance Instructor


Ms. Magda

Director of Membership
Director of Social Media
Dance Instructor

Ms. Rylie

Music & Theatre Academy Manager
Dance Instructor

Ms. Marisa

Community Outreach Coordinator
Customer Care

Ms. Bryanna

Dance Instructor

Ms. Adele

Dance Instructor

Mr. Kyle

Music Instructor

Ms. Jaylinne

Dance Instructor

 Customer Care

Ms. Allison

Music Instructor

Ms. Bella

Customer Care

Ms. Payton

Customer Care

Ms. Katie Rose

Music Instructor

Dance, Acrobatics, Theater, and Music Classes in Chicago, Illinois

Connecting Children with Their Community


What our dance family is saying

Love it! Have been a part of this family for over 5 years, my older daughter had grown so much over the years and my younger one just started the preschool classes and loves it too. Such a positive environment! Daria J. Forevermore gives its neighborhood life and enriches the minds, hearts, and spirits of the families involved. Even though the studio teaches arts, it also teaches children life skills that they will hold onto forever. Alumni- Rylee My oldest has been dancing here since she was 3 and my little one couldn't wait to join her. The girls can't wait to get to class every week. I recommend Forevermore to all our friends and family. We love being part of this family. Parent- M.O. Forevermore Dance & Theatre Arts does a phenomenal job in helping to shape these beautiful dancers into incredible adults. Forevermore teachers and staff are amazing! They exude passion. Everything is very well organized. There's constant communication, so you're always well informed. Thank you Forevermore for everything you do Parent- Luz Forevermore isn't just teaching acting or dancing, it has also taught my children discipline, respect and how to develop well in their craft. It has taught them teamwork and many other things... As we say over and over again it takes a village to raise a child and Forevermore has had a real hand in helping me raise mine. Forevermore brings so much to the children they educate. Parent-Stefanie Forevermore staff puts so much passion into each and every one of their students, getting to know them individually and wanting the absolute best for them. Alumni- Kristen Without Forevermore, I wouldn’t have learned what it meant to be a part of a team, to work hard and accomplish milestone achievements in my life. Forevermore is a treasure and a community where everyone of all ages are welcomed to discover their own talents and strengths. It has instilled in me a lifetime of lessons that I continue to draw from today even if the work I do is much different, the same lessons still apply. Alumni- Lily Daughter really enjoyed classes, the teacher, and made friends in class. There are many programs and interests for children to experiment in and grow into. All fun and amazing to watch and really see these actors, singers, and dancers grow their talents, passions, their confidence rise, their excitement, and smiles are all heartwarming to see. Parent- Jeni

Parents ♡ Forevermore!!!

Background Checked Staff
CPR Certified
Attentive Administrative Team
Written Curriculum
Star Leadership Classes
Affiliated with Acrobatic Arts
Sprung Floors for Safety
National Honors Society for Dance Arts
Youth Protection Advocates in Dance Certified
Affiliated with More Than Just Great Dancing

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Free Studio Info Kit

You’ll find information on our studio, classes and programs in our Studio Info Kit. Download your free copy here.

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Your child will fall in love with dance, music, and theatre with our classes ages 2-18!

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7466 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60634

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(773) 237-5200

©ForevermoreArts. All Rights Reserved

Kerrie is more than a seasoned performer, educator, and choreographer; she's a creative powerhouse with a lifetime of experience infusing art with heart. She holds a BFA in Theatre Arts along with a lifelong commitment to learning. Kerrie founded Forevermore Dance & Theatre Arts—a vibrant hub celebrating 20 years of empowering individuals through the arts. At Forevermore, Where "Art has Heart" isn't just a tagline but a teaching philosophy, Kerrie passionately mentors her dream team, children and teens, cultivating leadership skills and leaving a lasting legacy of inspiration.

Beyond her studio, Kerrie is a proud member of More Than Just Great Dancing, advocating for the profound impact of arts education on young lives. Her career includes 24 years of studio ownership, national touring and teaching residencies, captivating audiences, and conducting workshops that ignite creativity in diverse communities.

Kerrie's journey spans the full spectrum of theatrical artistry—from glittering stages to intimate productions. She's graced these spaces as a dancer, actress, and versatile production professional, seamlessly blending performance with behind-the-scenes in many facets including: lighting design, stage management, directing, and producing.
Offstage, Kerrie finds joy in the everyday adventure of motherhood to two incredible teens, accompanied by a lively entourage of two cats and an awesome shepherd/husky mix. She unwinds with yoga, immerses herself in nature, captures moments through writing and photography, and relishes quality time filled with laughter and shared learning among like-minded friends.

Through her extensive work teaching children, adults, and underserved communities—including underprivileged youth and inmates—Kerrie remains a tireless advocate for the arts as a potent vehicle for empowerment and social change. The arts have a remarkable ability to bring people together, fostering connection and understanding. By creating spaces where individuals feel seen, heard, and valued, the arts have the power to transform lives and change the world.


Caroline graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a double major in Dance and Business with a focus on Entrepreneurship in 2018. Beginning her dance career at the age of three in Italy, she has trained in numerous competing studios throughout the United States. Being the daughter of a father in the military, she was afforded the opportunity to travel to a surplus of studios around the globe. Said experiences have given her a unique perspective that combines teachings from dance instructors around the world. A few of the aforementioned recent instructors include, but are not limited to, Paige Cunningham, Darrell Jones, Carrie Hanson, and Krista Ellensohn. Some of her recent performances include dancing with Visceral Dance Company in their show, Within, in November 2021. She has also competed at World of Dance and Prelude in Chicago, performing with hip hop company BANG BANG! Additionally, she has danced with renowned hip hop company, BOOM CRACK, under the artistic direction of Trae Turner. Since she was young, Caroline has always known that she’s had a passion for empowering youth through the medium of teaching. Though she flourished in the role of ‘dancer’, nothing could compare to her blossoming into the roles of ‘teacher’ and ‘choreographer’. Moreover and having grown up in the world of dance, Caroline has witnessed a surplus of teaching styles as a student, colleague, and lead facilitator; with this exposure, she’s embarked on a journey towards understanding how kids learn cognitively, and particularly how the body learns and adapts to movement through dance.


Magdalena Naruszewicz is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a BFA in Dance. During her dance career, Magdalena has trained in a multitude of styles of dance including, Modern, Contemporary, Ballet, West African, Improvisation and Dance Composition. While at Columbia, Magdalena performed in a solo by Julia Zic titled, Silent Disturbance and a trio titled, incomplete. She has had the honor of working with choreographers like Jennifer Kayle, C. Kamal Nance, Darrell Jones and Paige Cunningham in the Fall of 2021. Magdalena has been in dance films such as: I Try by Kayla Kurns, and has directed her own dance films, one being, isolation and Brace. She has also choreographed and performed a duet titled internal and group piece titled Who Do We Go To?. She is currently teaching ballet, modern, contemporary, and jazz as well as doing administrative work here at Forevermore. She is excited to begin her fifth year teaching at Forevermore!


Julia Zic is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree in Dance. Throughout her dance career in Chicago, Julia has trained in numerous styles of dance including modern, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, West African, improvisation, and dance composition. Julia is originally from Frankfort, IL where she trained, danced competitively, and gained teaching experience in technique and creative movement at a local studio. Julia is beyond excited to continue growing as a dance educator and spread her passion for dance at Forevermore!


Bryanna Ciera Colón is an alumni of Forevermore and is so happy to return as staff again this year. She started her training at the studio in 2007 up until her high school graduation in 2021. However she started teaching and choreographing at the age of 16.
Bryanna’s career started off at the age of 4 when she started professionally acting and modeling. From that, her love for the performing arts blossomed. She continued intensive training at Forevermore in the dance program, the ensemble, and the theater program known as “The Theatre Bugs”. She grew up doing commercials, prints, magazines. Then in high school and adulthood, short films, television, and theater. Some of her credits include episodes in the critically acclaimed NBC TV series Chicago Fire (Seasons 8-11) and the FOX TV series The Big Leap. 

Bryanna made her national tour debut in the hit holiday musical The Elf On The Shelf: A Christmas Musical (Ella: Mills Entertainment). Other theater credits, In The Heights (Yolanda, Nina u/s, Ensemble: Arts Center of Coastal Carolina). Alma (Angel: American Blues Theater). A Chorus Line (Vickie, Diana u/s: Drury Lane Theater). The Art of Bowing (Farah: Haven Chicago). 

Bryanna can’t wait to share her passion with the students of Forevermore and hopes to inspire them as her time at Forevermore did for her!


Payton started dancing at Forevermore at the age of 3 and has grown up in the studio. After graduating high school she grew from a student here at Forevermore to a valued team member. She has been a part of our administrative team for 4 years now and currently attends Triton College pursuing a degree in photography.


Rylie Ann Taylor is a Chicago-based actor, dancer, singer, and teaching artist. Rylie originally hails from Indianapolis, IN and moved to Chicago to pursue a professional career in the arts. After spending her early collegiate years at Ball State University, she transferred to North Central College in Naperville, IL where she received Bachelor of Arts degrees in Musical Theatre and Theatre Performance. Taking on the role of Music and Theater Manager, Rylie oversees all theater curriculum and music instruction. She is the program's resident director of all theater productions and showcases. Rylie has taught at various youth arts institutions in the Chicagoland area including Ovation Academy for the Performing Arts, Momentum Performing Arts, and Soul 2 Sole Inc. She is a current dancer with Bang Bang! Dance Company captained by our own Ms. Caroline! As an actor and performer, her favorite roles so far have been Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Beggar Woman in Sweeney Todd, and Jenny in The Christians. Rylie is trained in classical and MT Voice, on-camera acting, and theatrical hair and makeup. She offers private lessons in dance, acting, and audition prep. She would love to see you involved in our next production!


Adele has been a part of the Forevermore family for almost 18 years! She started at the studio when she was 2 years old, taking classes from Ms. Kerrie in all different styles ranging from ballet to tap. Adele joined the Senior Dance Ensemble in high school with her friends where she danced competitively for 3 years until she graduated. She has trained in all the different dance styles at the studio including ballet, pointe, jazz and more. Adele has worked with and learned so much from everyone on staff at Forevermore and has found so much joy teaching the early childhood classes! She recently performed in her first show after graduating in a piece choreographed with her former teacher, Ginger Jensen, with Glenwood Dance Studio. She is currently studying sociology and criminology at Dominican University and is excited to continue pursuing both her academic and dance career!


Countertenor, composer, and music director Kyle Anthony Cortés happily serves the Forevermore community as a private lessons instructor teaching in voice, guitar, bass, piano, and ukulele.

In line with his artistic endeavors he teaches across Chicagoland at institutions like, the Chicago High School for the Arts, Citadel Theater Education, Forevermore Dance and Theater, and Chicago Music and Acting Academy. On top of teaching lessons, he is engaged in teaching courses like “Acting the Songs”, “Music Theory”, and “Voice Performance Foundations”.

Cortés’ most recent artistic endeavors include music directing for the Wagner Summer Theater Intensive Masterclass Series, Citadel Theater Education’s Matilda Jr., and Forevermore’s summer production of Matilda Jr.

Trained primarily in classical voice, Cortés has sung operatic roles such as Lucio Silla in Handel’s Silla, the Witch in Hänsel und Gretel, Don Basilio in Le nozze di Figaro, and Mayor Upfold in Britten’s Albert Herring. Cortés completed his masters degree with honors in vocal performance at DePaul School of Music in Chicago studying under Dr. Viktoria Vizin. He relocated to Chicago after having graduated cum laude with two Bachelor of Music degrees from the University of Florida in vocal performance and composition.


Bella Colon is a sophomore at Dominican University studying biology with a premed track. Her goal is to become an OBGYN. Bella has been an avid member of the Forevermore family along side sister and staff member, Bryanna Colón, since 2007 through her graduation in 2022. While at Forevermore she was an ensemble and theatre bugs member. When not at the studio working or at school studying, she loves to play the piano and listen to music. Bella does administrative work here at Forevermore and is thankful for the opportunity to continue her lifelong relationship with this amazing studio.


Allison Bystron was born and raised in Chicago where she is a private lesson and music teacher in the city. She attended Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music in Bloomington, Indiana where she graduated with a degree in Choral Music Education, and two minors in General Music Education and Psychology. Allison started playing piano at the early age of 3 years old, and started singing shortly after. Having gone to Chicago High School for the Arts as a vocalist, Allison has been classically trained in voice since she was 14 years old. In high school and college, she continued to take voice and piano lessons, and was involved in many different ensembles.

Allison now teaches high school concert choir at her alma mater, ChiArts, and has covered a variety of classes including “Vocal Jazz & Contemporary Techniques”, “Wind Ensemble”,”Bass Technique for String Players”, “Keyboard Skills I” and “Keyboard Skills II”. As a music educator in Chicago, Allison has served as a traveling music teacher to daycares around Chicago to students ranging from 6 months old to 6 years old, as well as being stationed at an elementary school teaching Pre-K through 8th grade general music. Now as a high school choir teacher stationed at one school, she provides private voice lessons to her students at ChiArts, and has the pleasure of teaching voice and piano lessons to her Forevermore students.

Most recently, Allison co-music directed “Matilda, Jr.” at Forevermore’s two week summer musical camp where she worked closely with the students at Forevermore, the staff, and with the Forevermore community as a whole. She is excited to continue working with her Forevermore students this fall, and hopes to meet many more students and community members in the following months!



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Marisa grew up in Ohio where she trained and performed as a dancer and actor. She went on to pursue a BFA in Musical Theater with an emphasis in Dance at the Chicago College of Performing Arts. Since graduating she has performed in multiple productions locally in the Chicagoland area at theaters such as Marriott, Drury Lane, and Porchlight. She is disciplined in various styles from musical theater, tap, jazz, and ballet, and continuously studies taking classes around Chicago.


Jaylinne Ramirez, born and raised in Chicago, IL, began her dance training at Forevermore Dance and Theatre Arts. She also trained at the Joffrey Ballet and graduated from The Chicago High School for the Arts in 2022. She recently just finished her year at The CLI Conservatory in Southampton, Massachusetts under the mentorship of Teddy Forance. She is trained in Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Modern, Spanish Dance, Pointe, Lyrical, and Contemporary. She has performed the works of Kenichi Kasamatsu, Marlee Hightower, Liana Blackburn, Christopher Wheeldon, and many others. Jaylinne hopes to pursue her career working as a commercial dancer in L.A. As well as teaching and sharing her love for dance.
