Theatre is so much more than watching a story unfold onstage. For many children, immersion in theatre education is fundamental to their academic and emotional development. Acting classes for kids can have a lifelong positive impact. At Forevermore, we offer dynamic acting workshops and classes that can help students develop the following critical skills.
Children’s Theatre Can Lead to Improved Academic Performance
Due to rapidly increasing technological advances, a lot of emphasis in education is currently placed on the STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering, and math. While there is no denying the importance of proficiency in these areas, studies have shown participation in children’s theatre is incredibly beneficial for overall academic performance. Students who participated in acting classes and other theatre arts tend to have higher reading, comprehension, and language skills, as well as higher standardized test scores in the areas of communication and math. Children’s theatre also helps students learn how to work as a team, which is a key component of academic success.
Acting Classes for Kids Help Them Build Confidence
At Forevermore students are able to express themselves in an encouraging environment, giving them the tools needed to build self-confidence. Our trained acting coaches help guide students through activities that allow them to build new skills, practice giving and receiving feedback, and express creative ideas to promote higher levels of self-esteem.
When children participate in acting workshops they are able to practice and develop performances they can take pride in and feel a sense of accomplishment from, which helps them feel more confident in their ability to achieve their goals.
More than just Acting Camp: Theatre Students Build Strong Communication Skills
Kids theatre exposes students to new and effective ways of communicating. When participating in theatre activities, kids are introduced to new vocabulary, must learn how to understand body language and how to engage in dialogue. The ability to memorize and recite lines helps children feel more comfortable speaking in front of others and gives them a safe space to practice important communication skills such as pitch, presence, and projection.
Children’s Theatre Fosters Creativity
Participation in children’s theatre is one of the best ways to foster and develop creativity. Whether the child is focusing on acting or incorporating elements of song and dance by participating in a musical theatre production, when a child is able to bring a character to life they are able to use their imagination and freely practice self-expression without fear of judgment. This leads to improved creative thinking skills, which helps children become stronger leaders and problem-solvers.
Kids Learn Empathy and Cultural Sensitivity through Acting
Through acting, children are exposed to characters from all walks of life. This gives them an opportunity to learn about different cultures and viewpoints. Teaching children how to step into a character’s shoes helps them develop empathy and cultural sensitivity.
When exposed to theatre education, children are positioned for a lifetime of learning and creative expression. If you’re looking to enroll your child in acting lessons, theatre camp, or classes, check out our offerings to find the right fit.